It’s high time you gave yourself a social media self-assessment. Sound scary? It doesn’t need to be. The more you know about where you are, the easier it is to create a path to get to where you want to go. While it’s not always fun to admit that we haven’t been doing our best to market our businesses, it’s crucial to get real with yourself about where you’re spending your (valuable) time, where you might need some support, and what’s working well. It’s time to pull together a REAL plan based on the truth of where you are right now so you can STOP RANDOM ACTS OF MARKETING!

Let’s begin where you are with what you have. Using the worksheet linked below, take the time to dive in deep and give yourself a comprehensive communications and social media audit for your business or organization. Keep in mind that you don’t have to do this all at once - tackle it one section at a time with breaks in between if you need to!

Once you’ve completed this process, you will have a better understanding of what you're doing, what you're not doing, and where you're spending your time and energy marketing your business. And that’s gonna feel really darn good. 

(Okay, it might be a little overwhelming as you begin, so here are a few mantras you can repeat to yourself as you go through this process.)

Take a deeeeeeeep breath and repeat (out loud) after me. (Yes, really do it!)

  • I am only one person, but I am one AMAZING person put here on Earth for a purpose.

  • I can start fresh right now - the past is the past, and I set my intention to let the past go.

  • I didn't know what to do before and now I am taking steps to learn.

  • I can totally do this social media thing.

Okay… here we go!

Fill out this form to receive the General Information and Self Reporting Worksheet by email. You will be added to the From The Nest Social email list and can opt-out at any time.

Be sure to mark your calendar and register for Wednesday, March 31, 2021 from 4-5 pm EST for a Live Social Media Guidance Session with Abbie McGilvery of From The Nest! During this live Zoom session, a selected business owner will talk through the information gathered in their “General Information and Self Reporting Worksheet” and be guided by Social Media Strategist, Abbie McGilvery, through the next steps as they begin to create a social media strategy for their business. Watching this process will help you understand how to translate your current situation into actionable next steps to grow your social media following. Register now!

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