What marketing and social media workshops have you presented in the past?

One of the things I love to do most is teach people how to embrace and better understand social media and storytelling as tools to build their business and get bigger online. Social media is a foreign language that doesn’t make sense to everyone . . .  and that’s okay!  That's why I do what I do. I want you to have to tools to make social media work for you. I want you to be brave and put your ideas, thoughts, and inspirations out into the world. (We need you and your gifts!)

10 Steps to Building a Social Media Strategy

(Hosted on October 18, 2023 for the Maine Credit Union League Marketing Council)

Join Marketing Coach and Social Media Strategist, Abbie McGilvery, as she discusses 10 topics to consider when building or revamping your social media strategy. She’ll help you get more focused, organized, and proactive about using your social media channels to confidently tell your stories and engage the people most important to you. You will walk away with the knowledge (and the tips and tricks) you need to make your social media efforts more successful and rewarding!

  • Gain clarity about where you are now so you can create a plan for moving forward toward social media success

    Find out what it takes to build a manageable social media strategy

    Explore the stories your business has to tell

    Discover how to connect with your audiences in a more engaging way

    Determine where to focus as you continue to build your strategy

10 Tech Hacks to Simplify Your Life

(Hosted on August 24, 2023 for the Maine Credit Union League Marketing Council)

Technology is so overwhelming! With so many resources out there for social media management, graphic design, and keeping yourself organized digitally, it's hard to know what's going to work best for you (without creating more headaches during your already busy day). In this workshop, Marketing Coach and Social Media Strategist, Abbie McGilvery, will present her 10 favorite tech hacks and resources so you can narrow down the options and become more productive and efficient. Bring your phone, your laptop and/or your iPad because we'll be getting hands-on while we're together virtually!

  • A set of 10 tech tools you can rely on to help you streamline and simplify your life

    A better understanding of how tech can help you (instead of weighing you down)

    Inspiration and motivation to get you moving forward in a more organized way

LinkedIn: Focusing Your Efforts for More Impact

(Hosted on June 16, 2023 for Association for Consulting Expertise/ACE)

For most small business owners the big question is, "what should I spend my time DOING on LinkedIn?" If you're like most people in business, you have very limited time and energy to put toward social media, so you could use a few tips and tricks to make LinkedIn a more powerful, efficient tool to support your networking efforts. In this interactive workshop, Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery will provide you with some "magic tricks" and her top 5 tips for focusing your efforts to make the most impact on LinkedIn. You will walk away with a better understanding of how to navigate the platform, how to grow your network authentically, and how to make better use of your online networking time.

2023 Winter Series

Choose Your Power Hashtags

(Hosted on April 4, 2023)

Not sure what the hashtag “rules” are when you’re on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter? This workshop is designed to guide you through the basics of how to research, choose, and use hashtags to build visibility, create authentic engagement with your audiences and attract just the right clients. Plus, learn about the recent changes to Instagram around following and searching for hashtags. Learn to tell the story of your business, build a community, and gain more followers through the proper use of hashtags!

  • An understanding of the difference between @ (tag) and # (hashtag) and when to use each on social media

    Tips and tricks for how and when to use different types of hashtags

    A list of high-frequency hashtags specific for your brand to help build visibility on your posts

Create a Social Media Strategy From Scratch

(Hosted on March 14, 2023)

It can be overwhelming to think about developing a social media strategy, but it’s important to create a clear, manageable plan for what you’re going to do and say on social media. In this workshop, we will talk about the components of a social media strategy and how a consistent strategy will benefit you and your business. You will receive a template for creating your own social media strategy as well as guidance on how to develop and stick to your plan.

  • An understanding of what it takes to build a simple, manageable social media strategy to consistently engage your audiences

    A sense of where to focus and what to let go of based on your capacity

    A template social media strategy to modify for your business

Engage Them With Your Values and Story

(Hosted on February 28, 2023)

To engage potential customers, there’s nothing more powerful than sharing your story. Telling your story can be a vulnerable (sometimes scary!) adventure, but storytelling is a skill that business owners must be using in this fast-paced social media world in order to build authentic connections with customers and partners. When you understand your story, what’s unique about you, and what people truly value about what you do, you will be poised and ready to create content that will inspire and entertain your audiences. During this workshop, you will engage in a number of activities to help you discover your values, identify your brand’s personality, and develop your brand’s unique story.

  • Tips and tricks for engaging your audiences more effectively with your story

    More confidence and clarity around your story and the power it has to move people to “buy”

    A list of your business’ personality characteristics and values that will inspire you to create more powerful content for social media

Build Your Social Media Visibility

(Hosted on February 14, 2023)

These days, marketing is so much more than sending out emails and updating your website - it’s a social media experience! In this workshop, we will touch on 10 topics you need to consider when planning your social media strategy. We’ll discuss how to use social media more effectively to build visibility for your business, how to focus your marketing efforts, and which simple tools you can use to make everything more manageable.

  • Knowledge about which social media channels will be most effective for your business

    An understanding of what to prioritize and which steps to take next to build your social media visibility

    Worksheets and resources you can use to begin to build your social media strategy

Define Your Target Audience

(Hosted on January 3, 2023)

You've been writing so much marketing content... but who are you writing it FOR? In this workshop, you will participate in an activity to help you clearly define one of your target audiences so you can learn to speak using a voice they will listen to. We’ll discuss the types of content that will be valuable to your audience and begin to identify specific topics to focus on in order to build engagement and interest with the people you're trying to attract.

  • An outline of the key demographics and characteristics of your target audience

    An understanding of how your marketing voice can be modified to better engage your audiences

    A list of content topics that are relevant to your brand and audiences

Discover Your Value Proposition

(Hosted on January 17, 2023)

When it comes to creating effective marketing content, it's crucial to understand the problems you’re solving and to define the value proposition for what you're "selling", whether it be a book, a class, a service, or a product. To create content that resonates with your audiences, you must understand what they need, how they want to feel, and how the things you deliver will take them from where they are now to where they want to be. During this workshop, you'll have the chance to pause, think, and write about your value proposition so you can produce more powerful marketing content that will convert your followers into adoring customers.

  • A clear understanding of what your audience wants and needs

    A better sense of what makes your business unique and how to talk about your value proposition

    A curated list of words and phrases to use as inspiration for your marketing content

Develop Your Elevator Pitch

(Hosted on January 31, 2023)

As a business owner, it’s important to know how to concisely answer the question, “What do you do?” Crafting a strong elevator pitch can seem like a daunting task, but you can begin the journey with a few simple steps. In this workshop, you'll participate in an interactive activity to uncover the key words and phrases most relevant to your business. You’ll also have the chance to work in a small group with business owners just like you to develop and practice your own elevator pitch.

  • An understanding of how to incorporate your brand values into your elevator pitch

    A draft elevator pitch to practice and refine

    More confidence and energy when talking about the value of your business

The Power of the Hashtag

(Hosted in January, 2021 - virtual workshop with Maine Wedding Network and June, 2022 with Mallika Malhotra)

Not sure what the “rules" are when you’re on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter? This virtual workshop is designed to guide you through the basics of how to research, choose, and use hashtags to build visibility, create authentic engagement with your audiences and attract just the right clients. Plus, learn about the recent changes to Instagram around following and searching for hashtags. Learn to tell the story of your business and gain more followers through the proper use of hashtags!

LinkedIn: Focusing Your Efforts for More Impact

(Hosted on April 7, 2020 - virtual workshop for SCORE Maine)

For most small business owners the big question is, "what should I spend my time DOING on LinkedIn?" If you're like most people in business, you have very limited time and energy to put toward social media, so you could use a few tips and tricks to make LinkedIn a more powerful, efficient tool to support your networking efforts. In this interactive workshop, Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery will provide you with some "magic tricks" and her top 5 tips for focusing your efforts to make the most impact on LinkedIn. You will walk away with a better understanding of how to navigate the platform, how to grow your network authentically, and how to make better use of your online networking time.

  • Optimize you LinkedIn profile

    More easily navigate your way around the LinkedIn platform

    Use LinkedIn Groups strategically to demonstrate your expertise

    Post more engaging content consistently

    Use the new blogging feature in an effective way

    Make better use of your online networking time

    More efficiently find like-minded people, leads, and industry influencers on LinkedIn

    Identify already have in your network and think more deeply about how those people are important to you/your business

    Become more brave and powerful when talking about yourself online

  • A better understanding of how to use LinkedIn strategically to grow your network exponentially

    5 tips for focusing your efforts in order to make the most impact on LinkedIn

    A list of LinkedIn groups of interest to you

10 Tech Hacks to Simplify Your Life

(Hosted on November 12, 2019 - in-person workshop for Maine Women’s Network - Portland Chapter)

Technology is so overwhelming! With so many resources out there for social media management, graphic design, conference calling, and keeping yourself organized digitally, it's hard to know what's going to work best for you (without creating more headaches during your already busy day). In this workshop, business owner and Social Media Strategist, Abbie McGilvery, will present her 10 favorite tech hacks and resources so you can narrow down the options and become more productive and efficient. Bring your phone, your laptop and/or your iPad because we'll be getting hands-on while we're together in the room!

  • A set of 10 tech tools you can rely on to help you streamline and simplify your life

    A better understanding of how tech can help you (instead of weighing you down)

    Inspiration and motivation to get you moving forward in a more organized way

Digital Marketing to Engage Guests and Increase Sales

(Hosted on November 5, 2019 - in-person workshop at Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine with Hospitality Maine)

The "trick" to creating a more visible brand on social media is engagement - getting your guests to DO something with your social media content, leave you a review, or talk about you on their social media channels. During this fun and interactive session, you will learn tips to engage guests as soon as they walk through your doors. Walk away with easy-to-execute plans to build better relationships with your guests and increase your operation's visibility.

Branding: Rediscovering Your League’s Brand Essence

(Hosted on October 8, 2019 - in-person workshop at the Junior League of Austin in Austin, Texas)

Building a strong brand identity for your League is the foundation for all of your marketing and social media activities, but what is branding - really? (Hint: It’s so much more that your League logo!) When you take the time to identify your League’s unique qualities, personality, and voice, you create a foundation upon which all of your marketing and communications efforts are built. In this workshop, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the components of a brand and how to consistently reflect these components in everything you do. You will walk away knowing what steps to take in order to create a clear, cohesive set of brand guidelines for your League as well as the tools and resources you need to make it happen. This workshop will give you the confidence and energy you need to be more consistent in your branding efforts - once and for all! 

  • Better understand your League’s brand and all of its components.

    Become more consistent about posting on social media and telling your Leagues’ stories using all of your communication channels 

    Attract more of your target audience by emphasizing your values, your unique voice and your visual identity.

    Feel more grounded and less overwhelmed because you have a set of brand guidelines that act as a compass for all of your marketing efforts.

    Have what you need to better communicate your brand standards to your team and Members so you can efficiently define roles, delegate, and get the support you need.

Click Here: Social Media Marketing, Branding & Building Your Online Presence

(Hosted on November 1, 2019 - Panel Presentation at Portland Harbor Hotel, Maine with the Alliance for Community Media New England/ACM-NE)

Would you like to leverage your organization's social media presence more effectively? To be successful in today's digital world, you must have a social media presence, but jumping into social media without a plan can be worse than having no presence at all. In this workshop, you'll get tons of tips and tricks from experienced panelists who have been in the trenches and want to help make things easier for you.

  • Identify which social media platforms are most important for marketing your organization

    Understand how to build processes and systems to make social media more manageable

    Keep your brand more consistent (with so many cooks in the kitchen)

    Actively engage your Board in your social media plan

    Promote your organization in a way that will generate real followers

Facebook: Intermediate Topics for Business

(Hosted on September 26, 2019 - in-person workshop at the Maine State Library in Augusta with SCORE - see description below)

LinkedIn: Focusing Your Efforts for More Impact

(Hosted on August 27, 2019 -in-person workshop with Maine Credit Union League’s Young Professionals Network - see description below)

Hashtagging Bravely on Instagram (1.0 / The Basics)

(Hosted on May 15, 2019 in South Paris, Maine - in-person workshop with SCORE - see description below)

Facebook: Intermediate Topics for Business

(Hosted on October 17, 2018 in Norway, Maine - in-person workshop with SCORE - see description below)

Engaging Customers With Your Values and Your Story

(Hosted on November 7, 2018 in Norway, Maine - in-person workshop with SCORE - see description below)

10 Steps to Building Social Media Visibility

(Hosted on September 13, 2018 in Wiscasset, Maine and September 19, 2018 in Norway, Maine - in-person workshop with SCORE - see description below)

Creating Powerful Video Content For Social Media

(Hosted on May 16, 2018 in Bridgton, Maine and June 6, 2018 in Augusta, Maine - in-person workshop with SCORE - see description below)

Facebook: Intermediate Topics for Business

(Hosted on May 3, 2018 in Bethel, Maine - in-person workshop with Community Concepts Finance Corporation)

In light of the recent changes to the Facebook news feed algorithm, how can small businesses and organizations leverage their presence on Facebook? Is it even worth it? And what about all those data breaches? How can I protect myself? Well, don't throw in the towel just yet. During this interactive workshop, you will learn the tips and tricks you need to know in order to rise above the algorithm changes and continue to deliver quality content to your audiences. We will also discuss Facebook Insights and advertising in depth. (Plus, you’ll get answers to all those Facebook questions you've been DYING to ask.) It’s time to make the most of Facebook time and energy to engage more of the people who matter most to your business!

  • Understand what your Facebook for Business Insights are telling you so you can strategically build your following and create more engaging posts based on REAL data

    Protect yourself personally from theft of your private information through Facebook

    Create a more consistent Facebook posting strategy

    Use Facebook Advertising and Boosted Posts more effectively

  • A clear understanding of Facebook's algorithm and how the most recent changes will affect your Facebook strategy

    Tips and tricks for keeping your personal and business pages separate (yet working together)

    Guidelines for creating engaging, authentic content for your brand’s Facebook Page

    A better understanding of which key metrics to track within your Facebook Insights

Building Your Brand From The Inside Out

(Hosted on May 3, 2018 in Bethel, Maine - in-person workshop with Community Concepts Finance Corporation)

Building a strong brand identity is the foundation for all of your marketing and social media activities, but what is branding - really? (Hint: It’s so much more that your logo!) When you take the time to identify your unique qualities, your personality, and your voice, you create a foundation upon which all of your marketing and communications efforts are built. In this workshop, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the components of a brand and how to consistently reflect these components in everything you do. You will walk away knowing what steps to take in order to create a clear, cohesive set of brand guidelines for your business as well as the tools and resources you need to make it happen. This workshop will give you the confidence and energy you need to be more consistent in your branding efforts - once and for all! This workshop is right for you whether you’re defining your brand for the first time or are ready to reconnect with your existing brand.

  • Better understand your brand and all of its components.

    Attract more of your target audience by emphasizing your values, your unique voice and your visual identity.

    Feel more grounded and less overwhelmed because you have a set of brand guidelines that act as a compass for all of your marketing efforts.

    Get clear on how to talk about your brand and its value in a powerful, authentic way.

  • Knowledge of how to effectively communicate your brand to your team and those who are new to your brand.

    A template for creating a customized brand guide for your business.

    A better understanding of your target audience and what they want and need from your brand.

    A curated list of words that describe the core values and unique personality of your brand.

10 Steps to Building Social Media Visibility

(Hosted on May 9, 2018 in Portland, Maine - in-person workshop with The Maine Women's Conference)

These days, marketing your business is so much more than just sending out emails and updating your website - it’s a social media experience! In this workshop, Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery of From The Nest will touch on 10 topics small business owners need to be aware of when planning their social media strategy and creating content. We will discuss how to use your social media channels more effectively to build visibility for your business, how to simplify and focus your social media marketing efforts, and which simple tools you can use to make your marketing efforts more manageable. It’s time to get the knowledge (and learn the magic tricks) you need to make your social media campaigns more successful and rewarding!

  • A clear picture of where you currently are in creating your social media strategy

    More knowledge about your target audience and what they want and need from you on social media channels

    A map of your network partners and an understanding of how they can help you get more visibility on social media channels

    A better understanding of what to prioritize and which steps to take next to build your social media visibility

Facebook: Intermediate Topics for Business

(Hosted on April 13, 2018 in Brunswick, Maine with SCORE)

In light of the recent changes to the Facebook news feed algorithm, how can small businesses and organizations leverage their presence on Facebook? Is it even worth it? And what about all those data breaches? How can I protect myself? Well, don't throw in the towel just yet. During this interactive workshop, you will learn the tips and tricks you need to know in order to rise above the algorithm changes and continue to deliver quality content to your audiences. We will also discuss Facebook Insights and advertising in depth. (Plus, you’ll get answers to all those Facebook questions you've been DYING to ask.) It’s time to make the most of Facebook time and energy to engage more of the people who matter most to your business!

  • Understand what your Facebook for Business Insights are telling you so you can strategically build your following and create more engaging posts based on REAL data

    Protect yourself personally from theft of your private information through Facebook

    Create a more consistent Facebook posting strategy

    Use Facebook Advertising and Boosted Posts more effectively

  • A clear understanding of Facebook's algorithm and how the most recent changes will affect your Facebook strategy

    Tips and tricks for keeping your personal and business pages separate (yet working together)

    Guidelines for creating engaging, authentic content for your brand’s Facebook Page

    A better understanding of which key metrics to track within your Facebook Insights

Creating Powerful Video Content For Social Media

(Hosted virtually on March 8, 2018 and in-person on April 6, 2018)

Video is one of the most effective storytelling tools you can use, and your social media audiences love it. Why not give them the best video experience you can offer so they are engaged, entertained, and moved to share it with others? In this workshop, you will learn the basic guidelines of video creation for social media channels including "best practices" for Facebook (including Facebook Live), Instagram, and YouTube.

  • Embrace the power of video for telling the stories of your brand

    Use your Facebook Page, Instagram Feed, and YouTube Channel more strategically

    Better understand your target audiences and what they want/need from your video

    Access local resources and low-cost tools for getting your videos produced and edited

  • A list of tips and tricks to help make your videos stand out on social media

    A step-by-step process for creating and publishing your videos

    A better understanding of Facebook Live, YouTube and Instagram Stories

    A plan for which channels will be most effective and which stories to tell using video to build your visibility on social media

Brave Moves Business Series Workshop #6: Creating Prosperity By Taking Your Time

(Hosted on December 6, 2017 at Center For Balanced Living in Falmouth, Maine)

This workshop is designed to help you to value all of your time; not only the time that perceivably is directly related to bringing you the money. By now we are all at least familiar with the concept of The Law of Attraction; it is our energetic vibration that draws to us what we manifest in our lives. How many of us really pay attention to that on an everyday basis? We can conceptually use the Law of Attraction to bring in clients, money, and a self-satisfying career. If you believe that you are doing all the right things and it isn’t working then you either need to shift your beliefs, (subconsciously and consciously) or change your behavior. When we pour all of our energy into building our businesses, taking care of our families and relationships; we often forget that our primary relationship- the one we have with ourselves- is lacking. We want to live a life of abundance in our most important relationship, the one with ourselves.  

  • A self-care plan with your personal non-negotiable, “must-do” list

    A list of support people and/or mechanisms to help you create some new self-care habits

    Specific tools to use to unwind, disconnect and reconnect

    A different way of perceiving “slow periods” and “no shows”

    An attitude of gratitude for the abundance in your life

Brave Moves Business Series Workshop #5: 10 Steps To Building Social Media Visibility

(Hosted on November 15, 2017 at Center For Balanced Living in Falmouth, Maine)

These days, marketing your business is so much more than just sending out emails and updating your website - it’s a social media experience! In this workshop, Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery of From The Nest will touch on 10 topics small business owners need to be aware of when planning their social media strategy and creating content. We will discuss how to use your social media channels more effectively to build visibility for your business, how to simplify and focus your social media marketing efforts, and which simple tools you can use to make your marketing efforts more manageable. It’s time to get the knowledge (and learn the magic tricks) you need to make your social media campaigns more successful and rewarding!

  • A clear picture of where you currently are in creating your social media strategy

    More knowledge about your target audience and what they want and need from you on social media channels

    A map of your network partners and an understanding of how they can help you get more visibility on social media channels

    A better understanding of what to prioritize and which steps to take next to build your social media visibility

Brave Moves Business Series Workshop #4: Creating Your Ultimate Support Team

(Hosted on October 11, 2017 at Center For Balanced Living in Falmouth, Maine)

Here’s the truth - we can’t build our business ALONE. You need trusted, supportive people around you who can help you get through the tough time and tackle things that are outside of your realm of expertise. During this workshop, we will help you to identify who you already have in your "inner circle" and how they're helping you. We will talk about hiring a virtual assistant, discuss pricing for website designers/graphic designers and other contract work, determine which "support groups" might be helpful for you to join, and discuss how working with a business coach could help you grow.

  • A better understanding of the costs associated with working with a business coach or a virtual assistant

    A prioritized list of things you need help with

    Your own personal network map identifying your inner circle and those who can help you as you grow

    A feeling of empowerment as you take control of the things that have been holding you back

Brave Moves Business Series Workshop #3: Networking With Purpose

(Hosted on September 13, 2017 at Center For Balanced Living in Falmouth, Maine)

With so many online networking tools available, it’s sometimes easy to forget the power of in-person networking. The connections you make face-to-face are incredibly valuable, and we want to help you more easily navigate your networking fears so you can be more successful in growing your circle. During this workshop, we will tell you everything we know about meeting, greeting, and following up so you can expand your network, find more qualified leads, and make better use of your networking time.

  • A better understanding of which groups, organizations, and networks to get involved with in Greater Portland, Maine

    Tips and tricks to find the right people to help you grow your business

    Knowledge about which social media tools are most helpful for networking

    Ideas about how to network while remaining authentic to who you are

Brave Moves Business Series Workshop #2: Engaging Customers With Your Values, Voice and Story

(Hosted on August 9, 2017 at Center For Balanced Living in Falmouth, Maine)

To engage potential customers, there is nothing more powerful than sharing your story. Telling your story can be a vulnerable (sometimes scary!) adventure, but storytelling is a skill that business owners must be using in this fast-paced social media world in order to build authentic connections with customers and partners. When you understand your story, what’s unique about you, what your voice sounds like, and what people truly value about what you do, you will be poised and ready to create content that will inspire and entertain your target audiences.

  • Tips and tricks for engaging people with your story more effectively on social media channels and in real-life scenarios

    A better understanding of how people are finding you and what they’re really looking for

    More confidence and clarity around your story and the power it has to move customers to “buy”

Brave Moves Business Series Workshop #1: Facing Your Business Fears

(Hosted on July 12, 2017 at Center For Balanced Living in Falmouth, Maine)

Isn’t it time to get unstuck, de-stress, and stop feeling yucky about your business? As small business owners ourselves, we know how difficult it can be to get out of your own way when you’re doing it all yourself, so we’re here to offer you the support and guidance you need to make brave moves going forward. During this workshop, Business Coach, Jodi Flynn and Social Media Strategist, Abbie McGilvery will help you gain a better understanding of the things that might be standing in your way and discover how to move forward in a positive, powerful direction as you build your business.

  • Tips and tricks for keeping calm, even in stressful situations (like networking!)

    Less fear and more excitement about the possibilities ahead in your business

    New like-minded friends who are ready to help you move forward

    A better understanding of how to move gracefully through the places where you are feeling stuck in your business

Focusing Your Efforts For More Impact on LinkedIn (2.0 / Intermediate)

(Hosted on June 1, 2017 at the Portland Media Center in Portland, Maine)

For most small business owners the big question is, "what should I spend my time DOING on LinkedIn?" If you're like most people in business, you have very limited time and energy to put toward social media, so you could use a few tips and tricks to make LinkedIn an more powerful, efficient tool to support your networking efforts. In this hands-on, interactive workshop, Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery will provide you with some “magic tricks” and her top 5 tips for focusing your efforts to make the most impact on LinkedIn. You will walk away with a better understanding of how to navigate the platform, how to grow your network authentically, and how to make better use of your online networking time.

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile

    Use LinkedIn Groups strategically to demonstrate your expertise

    Post more engaging content consistently

    Use the new blogging feature in an effective way

  • A better understanding of how to use LinkedIn strategically to grow your network exponentially

    5 tips for focusing your efforts in order to make the most impact on LinkedIn

    A list of LinkedIn groups of interest to you

    Hands-on practice uploading photos, crafting posts, and creating LinkedIn blogs

Facebook: Intermediate Topics for Business (2.0/Intermediate)

(Hosted on May 18, 2017 at the Portland Media Center in Portland, Maine)

Effective Facebook marketing is about creating and sharing valuable, brand-specific content that tells your story to your target audiences - you already know that, right? Let me guess- you’re comfortable with Facebook and ready to learn the "magic tricks" you need to know to really make your Facebook for Business page SPARKLE. You’re ready to get your followers regularly engaging with you to help you market your business, and excited to FINALLY learn how to create and target ads for the lowest budget and the most impact. (Am I getting close?)

In this workshop, you will to learn the tactical and (hands-on!) technical tips you need to build your network exponentially, create a steady stream of brand-specific content, and understand what your Facebook for Business Insights are REALLY telling you. (Plus, you’ll get answers to all those Facebook questions you've been DYING to ask.) It’s time to make the most of Facebook time and energy to engage more of the people who matter most to your business!

  • Understand Facebook for Business Insights so you can strategically build your following and create more engaging posts based on REAL data

    Embrace more advanced strategies for managing the technical, tactical and tribe-building aspects of Facebook for Business

    Manage it all including scheduling posts, tagging, and engaging with other business pages

    Define one of your target audiences more clearly and understand how to provide them additional  value, engage with them consistently, and speak using a voice that they will listen to on Facebook

    Use Facebook Advertising and Boosted Posts more effectively

  • Guidelines for creating engaging, authentic content for your brand’s Facebook Page

    A better understanding of key metrics to track on your brand’s Facebook Page

    A list of your key network partners and an understanding of how to collaboratively market with those partners on Facebook

    Experience creating a targeted Facebook Ad and a Boosted Post

    A list of brand-specific content topics that will help you stay focused and relevant on social media

Creating Your Social Media Scrapbook

(Hosted on April 7, 2017 at the University of Maine Hutchinson Center in Belfast, Maine for Island Institute/Archipelago)

For most small business owners, makers and artists, the big question is: What should I be DOING on social media? How do I know what to talk about - and does anyone REALLY care? Social Media Strategist, Abbie McGilvery, will provide you with a different perspective on social media - a way to simplify and think about how you use your social media channels in a creative, new way - as a digital scrapbook! Abbie will provide helpful tips for focusing your efforts to make the most impact on social media. You will walk away with a better understanding of how to calmly, courageously navigate the social media world, how to engage with your network authentically, and how to make better use of your time online.

Discovering Your Brave, Authentic Voice

(Hosted in March, 2017 for Snow Leadership Institute)

Voice is much more than just words and phrases, speech, and body language. Voice is also about how you present yourself to the outside world - your presence. It’s about confidence and having the courage to speak up for what you value. During this presentation, we will discuss what "voice" really means, how to be authentic, and why it's important to discover as much as you can about your own values, goals, and passions.

Simplifying SEO (1.0 / The Basics)

(Hosted on March 16, 2017 at the Portland Media Center in Portland, Maine)

Totally confused about SEO? Not sure where to START or what SEO even MEANS? Understanding the language of websites and SEO is frustrating and overwhelming for most of us, and you need simple tools to understand and take charge of your website's SEO - right now. 

  • Demystify the intimidating creature called "SEO".

    Bridge the gap between how you're thinking about your business and how your target audience is thinking about your business (What do they want from your business? What need are they trying to have filled?)

    Feel more brave, empowered and confident when it comes to SEO.

    Learn when and how to get the professional support you do need in a way that is efficient and powerful.

    Become more aware and purposeful about how you describe your business.

    Understand what things positively and negatively influence SEO.

  • Specific strategies for improving your SEO.

    A customized seed keyword list.

    Resources for connecting with other professionals who can help.

    An expanded list of 'influencers' who are in a similar market.

    Things seem simple enough for me to take a few next steps.

    Strategies for positioning yourself as an 'authority' in your industry.

    A specific list of "do's" and "don'ts" of content creation.

Hashtagging Bravely on Instagram (1.0 / The Basics)

(Hosted on March 2, 2017 at the Portland Media Center in Portland, Maine)

Totally confused about hashtags? Not sure what the “rules are” when you’re on Instagram? This session is designed to guide you through the basics of the Instagram platform and the technical, tactical and tribe-building strategies you need to get comfortable posting to Instagram to build your business. The activities included in this hands-on workshop will help you build visibility and create authentic engagement with your audiences in a whole new way. Learn to tell the story of your business through images, text, and graphics while you gain more followers every day through the proper use of hashtags.

  • Demystify Instagram through a number of technical, tactical, and tribe-building activities

    Bridge the gap between how you're thinking about your business and how your target audience is going to find your business through hashtags

    Become more brave, empowered and confident when it comes to using Instagram for your business

    Walk away thinking, “Things seem simple enough for me to take a few next steps”

    Become more aware and purposeful about how you choose images and words to depict your business

    Understand what things positively and negatively influence your Instagram visibility and engagement

  • At least 3 specific strategies for improving your Instagram visibility and engagement

    A fully functioning and ‘seeded’ Instagram feed - at least 3 images

    Resources for connecting with other professionals who can help

    Real ways to connect to 'influencers' in a similar market in order to understand how to do more (with less!) and get more creative

    Strategies for setting yourself apart and for communicating your brand

    An understanding of the Do's and Don'ts of content creation, hashtagging, and linking

    A list of brand-specific high-frequency hashtags and at least one unique, branded hashtag for your business

Facebook: Intermediate Topics for Business (2.0/Intermediate)

(Hosted on February 28, 2017 at the Portland Media Center in Portland, Maine)

Effective Facebook marketing is about creating and sharing valuable, brand-specific content that tells your story to your target audiences - you already know that, right? Let me guess- you’re comfortable with Facebook and ready to learn the "magic tricks" you need to know to really make your Facebook for Business page SPARKLE. You’re ready to get your followers regularly engaging with you to help you market your business, and excited to FINALLY learn how to create and target ads for the lowest budget and the most impact. (Am I getting close?)

In this workshop, you will to learn the tactical and (hands-on!) technical tips you need to build your network exponentially, create a steady stream of brand-specific content, and understand what your Facebook for Business Insights are REALLY telling you. (Plus, you’ll get answers to all those Facebook questions you've been DYING to ask.) It’s time to make the most of Facebook time and energy to engage more of the people who matter most to your business!

  • Understand Facebook for Business Insights so you can strategically build your following and create more engaging posts based on REAL data

    Embrace more advanced strategies for managing the technical, tactical and tribe-building aspects of Facebook for Business

    Manage it all including scheduling posts, tagging, and engaging with other business pages

    Define one of your target audiences more clearly and understand how to provide them additional value, engage with them consistently, and speak using a voice that they will listen to on Facebook.

    Use Facebook Advertising and Boosted Posts more effectively

  • Guidelines for creating engaging, authentic content for your brand’s Facebook Page

    A better understanding of key metrics to track on your brand’s Facebook Page

    A list of your key network partners and an understanding of how to collaboratively market with those partners on Facebook

    Experience creating a targeted Facebook Ad and a Boosted Post

    A list of brand-specific content topics that will help you stay focused and relevant on social media

Creating Powerful Video Content For Social Media (1.0/Basics)

(Hosted on February 16, 2017 at Windham Weaponry in Windham, Maine for Sebago Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce)

Video is one of the most effective storytelling tools you can use, and your social media audiences love it. Why not give them the best video experience you can offer so they are engaged, entertained, and moved to share it with others? In this workshop, you will learn the basic guidelines of video creation for social media channels including “best practices” for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. You will discover the hidden stories your brand can tell using video and participate in an activity to better understand what your target audiences want and need from your social media videos.

  • Better understand your target audiences and what they want/need from your video

    Consider multiple social media channels for posting your videos

    Embrace the power of video for telling the stories of your brand

    Create simple videos using your Smartphone and post them to Facebook and Instagram

  • A list of tips and tricks to help make your videos fantastic

    An understanding of which channels will be more effective for posting your videos

    Hands-on experience posting video to Facebook and Instagram

    A plan for which stories to tell using video to build your visibility on social media

Navigating Google Drive (1.0/Basics)

(Hosted on February 15, 2017 at the Portland Media Center in Portland, Maine)

Google Drive is an essential tool for managing and sharing your photos, documents, and videos from any device - but it can be so confusing! In this workshop, we will tackle Google Drive hands-on as I show you how to navigate the platform, create and share beautiful forms, slideshows, and spreadsheets, and make Google Drive work for you.

  • Embrace Google Drive as a go-to file sharing and content management system

    Create Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Forms

    Feel more comfortable and confident navigating within the Google Drive platform

    Upload, download, share photos and documents in Google Drive

  • Tips and tricks for managing and sharing your content using Google Drive

    A better understanding of all that Google Drive has to offer (including Sheets, Calendar, Forms, Slideshows, and more)

Facebook: Intermediate Topics for Business (2.0/Intermediate) and Instagram: Going Deeper (2.0/Intermediate)

(Hosted on February 8, 2017 at The GEM Theater in Bethel, Maine for the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce)

*See description, above.

Embracing Social Media With Creativity and Courage (a Boost Your Business Breakfast)

(Hosted on September 9, 2016 at the Portland Country Club, Falmouth, Maine for Maine Women’s Network)

During this Boost Your Business Breakfast, Abbie McGilvery and Angie Cole of From The Nest will take attendees through interactive, energizing activities that will help you identify the fears around social media, figure out how to move past those barriers, and develop the courage it takes to be braver on social media.

LinkedIn: Focusing Your Efforts for More Impact

(Hosted on June 14, 2016 at the Windham Weaponry Hall of Flags, Windham, Maine for the Sebago Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce)

For most small business owners, the big question is: What should I be DOING on LinkedIn? We know you have limited time and energy to put toward social media, so how do you efficiently make LinkedIn a tool for building your network? In this hands-on, interactive workshop, Social Media Strategist, Abbie McGilvery and Experience Design Expert, Angie Cole will provide their top 5 tips for focusing your efforts in order to make the most impact on LinkedIn. You will walk away with a better understanding of how to navigate the platform, how to grow your network authentically, and how to make better use of your online networking time.

Hashtagging Bravely on Instagram

(Hosted in June, 2016)

Totally confused about hashtags? Not sure what the “rules” are when you’re on Instagram? This session is designed to guide you through the basics of the Instagram platform and the technical, tactical and tribe-building strategies you need to get comfortable posting to Instagram to build your business. The activities we have included will help you build visibility and create authentic engagement with your audiences in a whole new way. Learn to tell the story of your business through images, text, and graphics while you build your network every day through the proper use of hashtags.

  • Demystify Instagram through a number of technical, tactical, and tribe-building activities

    Bridge the gap between how you're thinking about your business and how your target audience is going to find your business through hashtags

    Become more brave, empowered and confident when it comes to using Instagram for your business

    Walk away thinking, “Things seem simple enough for me to take a few next steps”

    Become more aware and purposeful about how you choose images and words to depict your business

    Understand what things positively and negatively influence your Instagram visibility and engagement

  • At least 3 specific strategies for improving your Instagram visibility and engagement

    Real ways to connect to 'influencers' in a similar market and strategies for using your network to increase your reach

    Tips for managing it all, including the The 15 Minute Engagement Factor

    Understand what hashtags are an how to use them powerfully!

    The Do's and Don'ts of content creation and linking

    A list of brand-specific high-frequency hashtags and at least one unique, branded hashtag for your business

    You’ve got the basics down but you’re ready to dive deeper and begin to engage authentically with your audiences!

    You can access both your personal profile and your business/public page.

    You’re ready to get braver on Facebook to build your business.

Facebook: Daring to Engage with Facebook for Business

(Hosted on May 31, 2016 at Soul Arts Wellness, Portland, Maine)

High-impact social media is about creating and sharing useful, brand-specific content that tells your story. So what makes high-impact content for your Facebook business page? How do you get more followers and more engagement from people on your page? Join us for this workshop to learn the tactical and technical tips you need to build your network, and get answers those Facebook questions you've been DYING to ask. Discover who your network is, how to use Facebook to more effectively promote your business, and learn the "magic tricks" you need to make managing Facebook much, MUCH easier. Learn what the pros know so you can make the most of your social media time and effort to engage the people who matter most to you!

  • Learn strategies for effectively and efficiently managing the technical, tactical and tribe-building aspects of this complex and ever-changing social media platform.

    Understand the ‘rules’ of Facebook from the perspective of an expert Social Media Strategist who does this work every, single day for clients across the country.

    Rediscover who is in your network and how to use Facebook to authentically cross-market with your connections.

    Take time to define one of your target audiences more clearly and understand how to give them value, engage with them, and speak using a voice that they will listen to on Facebook.

    Learn to think differently about your social media efforts so you can use the time you have more effectively and strategically.

  • Tips for managing it all including scheduling posts, tagging, and engaging strategically with other business pages

    The basic know-how you need to efficiently navigate your Facebook Business Page with ease.

    Guidelines for creating engaging, authentic content for your brand’s Facebook Business Page.

    A map of your key network partners and an understanding of how to collaboratively market with those partners on Facebook.

    5 strategies to easily connect RIGHT NOW with the other businesses and people in your network.

    A set of brand-specific content topics that will help you stay focused and relevant on social media.

Hannah Curtis, LCSW of New Approaches Presents: The Overwhelm Cure: Using the Positive Power of “No”

(Hosted on May 24 , 2016)

Feeling overwhelmed by trying to do it all? Wishing there were more hours in your day? Checking all the boxes and still feeling unfulfilled? It’s time to find your confidence by saying “no” without apology.  Don’t wait another day to create time for things that truly matter.  This 3-hour, action-packed workshop led by Hannah Curtis, LCSW of New Approaches, will give you the tool kit you need to move out of overwhelm and into a life of more balance, freedom and joy.

  • You say “yes” to things that bog you down and end up feeling resentful.

    You’re afraid it’s not nice to say “no”.

    You need the language to say “no” in a clear, confident way.

    You would feel more powerful saying “no” if you had support and practice.

    You are ready to create more time in your life for the things that bring you joy.

  • Clarity on why “no” is honest and kind.

    The exact words to use for saying “no” with ease and grace.

    A personalized map to use as a guide for creating balance and fulfillment in your life.

    Guiding questions that will help you confidently assess what’s worth a “yes”.

    A concrete action plan for applying this right now!

Blogging: Reigniting the Blogger Within You

(Hosted in May, 2016)

Blogging is NO EASY TASK! You know you 'need' to do it to improve your SEO and drive more people to your website, but putting your writing consistently out to the world can be scary and intimidating. We don't want it to be that way for you! As you determine whether or not you have the capacity, content, and stamina to keep up with your blog, we want to show you the tools we have to make blogging intentional, simple and enjoyable. (Yes, writing a blog can be FUN!) This workshop is right for you whether you’re brand new to blogging or simply trying to become more strategic and focused with an existing blog. It's time to share your unique and brilliant mind with the world!

  • Understand what blogging is, why it’s important, and how to manage your blog in a way that feels realistic and energizing, instead of overwhelming and unattainable.

    Learn the basics of blog construction and design, including optimal length, topic selection, formatting, and image selection.

    Feel less self-critical and more powerful because you know what to do, where to start, and how to plan ahead.

    Tap into your own creative energy and bust through the blogging blocks that keep you stuck.

    Understand the “why” behind successful blogging so you can use this tool to build your brand and attract more clients, customers and brand fans.

    Gain strategic insights for using your blog to build and engage your network in meaningful, mutually beneficial ways.

    Learn how your blog relates to your website SEO and how to integrate blogging into your overall marketing strategy.

    Feel inspired and confident as you begin (or reinvigorate) your blogging efforts!

  • Step-by-step process for managing the creation and distribution of your blog content, with built-in support and a plan for taking action right away.

    Graphic mind-map for identifying and organizing your brand’s blog topics, allowing you to thoughtfully integrate your blog with other marketing efforts.

    Customized blog topics list that allows you to focus and strengthen your brand perspective, building visibility and trust with your online community.

    Content management tool and timeline for proactively planning your blog schedule, taking advantage of seasonal and other strategic opportunities for increased visibility and engagement.

    Unique blog strategies you can use to build and engage your network of strategic partners, and begin to position yourself as a content expert and go-to resource among your network.

    At least one rough draft blog post to launch your first business-building blog campaign!

    Personalized action plan to tackle the first 6 months of your new and improved blog with clarity and confidence.

    Renewed energy and inspiration, gained from working in a supportive and constructive environment of other small business owners just like you.

Websites: Simplifying SEO with featured guest, Emmie Michaud, SEO Specialist with Page One Web Solutions

(Hosted on May 10, 2016 at RE/MAX Shoreline, Portland, Maine)

Totally confused about SEO? Not sure where to START or what SEO even MEANS? Understanding the language of websites and SEO is frustrating and overwhelming for most of us, and we want to give you the tools you need to understand and take charge of your website's SEO - right now. 

  • Demystify the intimidating creature called "SEO".

    Bridge the gap between how you're thinking about your business and how your target audience is thinking about your business (What do they want from your business? What need are they trying to have filled?)

    Feel more brave, empowered and confident when it comes to SEO.

    Learn when and how to get the professional support you do need in a way that is efficient and powerful.

    Become more aware and purposeful about how you describe your business.

    Understand what things positively and negatively influence SEO.

  • Specific strategies for improving your SEO.

    A customized seed keyword list.

    Resources for connecting with other professionals who can help.

    An expanded list of 'influencers' who are in a similar market.

    Things seem simple enough for me to take a few next steps.

    Strategies for positioning yourself as an 'authority' in your industry.

    A specific list of "do's" and "don'ts" of content creation.

Branding: Rediscovering Your Brand’s Essence

(Hosted on May 3, 2016 at The Portland Club, Portland, Maine)

Building a strong brand identity is the foundation for all of your marketing and social media activities. Is your brand 'just a logo"? Not sure which images and colors fit with your brand? Unsure what you'd tell your team if they asked what the brand cares about? It's time to figure it out - once and for all - so you can start using your time and energy doing more of the things that you love in your business. This workshop is right for you whether you’re defining your brand for the first time or are ready to reconnect and be inspired by your beloved brand. 

  • Better understand your brand, its essential traits and values, so you can more effectively and efficiently attract the right people - customers, clients, employees, investors, etc.

    Get clear on how to talk about your brand and its value in a powerful and authentic way, in particular to people who are new to your brand.

    Feel more grounded and less overwhelmed because you know what topics to focus on (and which to avoid) in your social media and marketing efforts.

    Become more focused and more confident about your brand and its ‘voice’ on social media/marketing.

    Have what you need to better communicate your brand standard to your team and tribe. This will allow you to delegate and get the support you need in the most efficient way possible. Avoid costly, wasteful mistakes that come from folks closest to you NOT knowing your brand standard.

    Create more joy, energy and time for your business, your brand, and your life!

  • 5-10 curated images that reflect your brand, its values, personality, perspective, and style, allowing you to consistently build brand recognition, familiarity and trust.

    An exciting, authentic ‘elevator pitch’ that quickly and clearly communicates your brand and its value.

    A robust written profile including the Who, What, Why, How and So What of your brand and what it stands for. Use this to guide your online content and other marketing/networking efforts.

    3-5 brand-relevant content topics - know what YOUR brand talks about - besides itself! And how does it say those things? What does your brand NOT talk about? What are you talking about now that is distracting? Your brand has a point of view and you will leave knowing what that is and how to tell the world.

    Your own brand “mascot” - a fun and energizing tool you will use again and again as you clarify and strengthen your brand perspective and voice.

    Practice and feedback on delivering your newly crafted pitch and value proposition, in a supportive and constructive environment of other small business owners just like you.

    Completed action guide to use as a road map and reference as you move ahead with confidence - this will include clear steps for further implementing what you’ve learned and created.

LinkedIn: The Basics

(Hosted on February 24, 2016 at SCORE, Portland,  Maine)

LinkedIn is a very powerful social media tool- or it can be! It can can give you access to important people, help you attract new prospects, and keep you in front of existing clients.   How can you use LinkedIn to get bigger in your business or industry?   In this workshop, Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery will help you build your professional network in 2016!

Hashtagging Bravely on Instagram

(Hosted on February 17, 2016 at PelotonLabs, Portland, Maine)

Photos are incredibly powerful for evoking emotions and telling our stories- and isn't that what "marketing" is all about? Using photos to connect with our audiences on a more emotional, intimate level is more important now than ever before for businesses, and Instagram is an amazing tool for finding our like-minded "tribe" and sharing our images.  However, business owners still have lots of questions about what and HOW to use Instagram to its fullest potential. (What am I supposed to post here? How often? And what are all those hashtags DOING THERE? We will guide you through the process of learning how you can use the Instagram platform (and those pesky hashtags!) to identify your network and to tell the visual stories of your business more effectively.

  • Demystify the questions you have about Instagram

    Discover WHY people are using Instagram to build their business

    Create a list of brand and target hashtags for your business

    Learn how to optimize your Instagram profile

    Understand the language of Instagram

    Know the role hashtags play in building your audience

Getting Braver on Your Website

(Hosted on January 27, 2016 at PelotonLabs, Portland, Maine)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is CRUCIAL for building your online presence, increasing revenue, and growing the network of your business.  However, SEO is intimidating and confusing!  Emmie Michaud, SEO Specialist, will break SEO into manageable pieces so you can better understand your keywords, your audiences, and your brand's unique value proposition.  Join us to learn how to make changes to your website that will drive more traffic, engage visitors for longer, and keep them coming back for more!

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the SEO on your current website

    Better understand your audiences and how they're finding you

    Identify your business' best keywords and build a seed keyword list

    Practice writing meta-data for a page on your website

Telling Impactful Stories

(Hosted on November 18, 2015 at Goodwill Industries, Portland, Maine)

Telling your story... it's a scary concept, right? In order to build a strong marketing plan, it's crucial that business owners identify and connect on a deep level with the story behind what they do.  In today’s landscape, we have so many vehicles through which to share our stories, our values, and our work, yet many of us struggle with how, when and to whom to tell our stories.  We get tongue-tied, we’re not sure anyone is listening, and we’re not sure that what we’re saying will matter to anyone else.  It's no longer enough to simply talk about our products, events, or services- we must consistently use language and images that show our passion, portray our values, and give life to the larger story of our business.  Storytelling is an incredible tool for creating emotion and authentically connecting with our audiences on a more meaningful level.

In this hands-on, interactive workshop, Abbie McGilvery, Angie Cole, and Facilitator Leigh Tillman will help you take the time to settle into your own story, feel empowered to tell your unique story, and gain confidence in utilizing the tools available to you to share your tales and allow your voice to be heard.  We will delve into the art of conveying a message and the nuances of truly making it your own.

  • Identify your personal story and its connection to your business' success

    Become more comfortable with the general storytelling framework

    Simplify your story to get to the most powerful emotions, words, and phrases

    Practice telling your story

Being Brave on Facebook

(Hosted on December 9, 2015 at PelotonLabs, Portland, Maine)

Facebook is a storytelling, marketing, and customer relationship tool that can be incredibly powerful when used correctly. Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery along with Storytelling Gurus Angie Cole and Leigh Tillman, will give you the energy, knowledge, and confidence you need to begin to develop more effective and creative posts and campaigns, get more followers, and drive more people to your website to get the full story behind your products and services.

  • Optimize your Facebook Business Page profile

    Grow and maintain your fan base by creating engaging content

    Developing a page management and content creation strategy

    Look at (and understand!) your Facebook insights

    Use basic post scheduling/content management tools

Facebook For Small Business

(Hosted on May 8, 2015 at PelotonLabs, Portland, Maine)

Facebook is a storytelling, marketing, and customer relationship tool that can be incredibly powerful when used correctly, but are your really “doing it right”? This session is for business owners and employees who have a Facebook Business Page that is being actively used, and it is ideal if you are comfortable using Facebook but really want to know how to use it to reach specific goals. This 3-hour event will give you the energy and knowledge you need to begin to develop more effective posts, get more followers, and drive more people to your website.

  • Optimize your Facebook Business Page profile

    Grow and maintaining your fan base by creating engaging content

    Developing a page management and content creation strategy

    Look at (and understand!) your Facebook insights

    Use basic post scheduling/content management tools

LinkedIn: The Basics

(Hosted on February 4, 2015 at Foy Insurance, Scarborough, Maine)

LinkedIn is a very powerful social media tool- or it can be! It can can give you access to important people, help you attract new prospects, and keep you in front of existing clients.  How can you be using LinkedIn to “get bigger” in your business or your industry?  I will provide some helpful tips to guide you on your way.

  • Navigate the LinkedIn platform

    Optimize your LinkedIn profile

    Find the “right” people and LinkedIn Groups

    Post more engaging content

    Use the new blogging feature in an effective way

Twitter: The Basics

(Hosted on February 18, 2015 at Running With Scissors Artist Studios, Portland, Maine)

Twitter can be overwhelming… am I right?  Holy cow, it’s hard to figure out what’s going on when you’re first starting out. Let’s get together and hash it out (pun intended!)  I’ll help you keep it simple on Twitter.

  • Understand the purpose and language of Twitter

    Optimize your Twitter profile

    Learn how to decide who to talk to (and listen to)

    Write better tweets

Facebook: The Basics for Business

(Hosted on March 6, 2015 at Running With Scissors Artist Studios, Portland, Maine)

Facebook is a storytelling, marketing, and customer relationship tool that can be an incredibly powerful when used correctly, but you’ve got to know “the rules”. This workshop is for business owners and employees who want to know more about how to use Facebook more effectively. It is my hope that you will walk away with the energy and knowledge you need to begin to develop more effective posts, get more followers, and drive more people to your website.

  • Optimize your Facebook Business Page profile

    Grow and maintaining your fan base by creating engaging content

    Developing a page management and content creation strategy

    Look at (and understand!) your Facebook insights

LinkedIn: Finding Leads and Making Better Connections

(Hosted on March 25, 2015 at Running With Scissors Artist Studios, Portland, Maine)

LinkedIn is a very powerful social media tool- or it can be! It can can give you access to important people, help you attract new prospects, and keep you in front of important people. This workshop will show you how you can you be using LinkedIn to “get bigger” in your business or your industry.

  • Navigate the LinkedIn platform

    Optimize your LinkedIn profile

    Find the “right” people and LinkedIn Groups

    Post more engaging content

    Use the new blogging feature in an effective way

Social Media Basics for Makers

(Hosted on April 25, 2015 at the Portland Public Library, Portland, Maine)

Makers @ PPL is the Library’s first Maker Fair! Come learn how to make things in the special tracks: Creative Arts, Science & Technology, Entrepreneurship, Food & Drink, and Local History, with special youth programs.

Instagram: The Basics

(Hosted on April 22, 2015 at Running With Scissors Artist Studio, Portland, Maine)

We all know how powerful images can be to evoke emotion- and isn’t that what marketing is all about?  This workshop is designed to teach you the basics of the Instagram platform.  I will show you how you can maximize Instagram to help you build engagement with your customers and tell the story of your business.

  • Optimize your Instagram profile

    Understand the language of Instagram

    Learn about the use of hashtags

    Determine what images fit your brand/message

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