Do you hate talking to new people? You’re not alone… but we all have to do it if we want to grow our businesses! With so many online networking tools available, it’s sometimes easy to forget the power of in-person networking. It's important to make time to network in person because the connections you make face-to-face can be incredibly valuable. Sometimes business growth is a direct result of WHO YOU KNOW, not what you know.

So, where do you begin? I suggest beginning by asking yourself- what are you passionate about? Who do you enjoying being around? Where do you feel at home? Spend time being around like-minded people who are involved in things that you enjoy. Taking time to get involved in something that truly gets you jazzed will be MUCH more satisfying than doing something just to say you did it- and you’ll be much more likely to make real, authentic connections with people when you know you’re among like-minded individuals and in a comfortable space.

Before you take off to that next networking event, take a peek over my top 10 tips for making real, authentic connections that last. I hope these tips are helpful for you! Network on.

1. Take a deep breath. Networking is scary (even for those of us who are seasoned), and we’re all thinking the same thing- yikes! When you’re meeting new people, remember to take an 8-second deep breath, relax your body for a moment, and bring positive, calm energy into the room with you. 

2. Ask questions and REALLY listen to the answers. The biggest networking mistake you can make is to talk too much about yourself, your experience, who you know, and what you do. Instead, ask others open-ended questions and listen to their answers so you can offer help, share a connection, and build the relationship.

3. Be authentic. Figure out who the heck you are and be that person! If you hate dancing, don’t offer to dance. If you’re more comfortable drinking tea than a glass of wine, suggest a different venue. If you’re a hugger, (warn people first!) then give them a hug. Be yourself- people appreciate authenticity.

4. Be aware of personal space. Don’t be a close talker! Take a step back. Perfect your handshake and give people space to talk with others and be comfortable. And yes, mints are a wonderful idea.

5. Commit to regular, in-person meetings. Social media, emails, and phone calls are necessary, but the real relationship magic happens when two people are face to face. Don’t skimp on in-person meetings- they make a huge difference!

6. Invite people into your “home”. Ask people to come to your office, meet your coworkers, or to learn a bit about who you are. Business relationships are stronger when there is a personal connection, so sharing a similar interest, inviting someone to your favorite eatery, or connecting someone to a person you know can be very helpful in building that relationship.

7. Take notes. You’re not going to remember anything your coffee date says to you when you get back to your office- write it down!

8. Follow up. This is the most important piece in building a trusting business relationship. Don’t let the ball stay in their court- ask them for a follow up conversation and be sure to get a date on the calendar as well as a clear list of “next steps” to discuss when you meet next.

9. Stay connected. Ask if you can find your prospect on social media channels like LinkedIn or Facebook (depending on your comfort level with these channels). Send unscheduled, friendly emails to keep them informed of what you’re up to and how you would like them to be involved. Don’t try to sell people anything via email or social media messaging.

10. Do things first. Don’t wait for others to contact you or offer their assistance. Take the chances that present themselves and reach out to others to say hello, offer help, or ask for an opinion.

For more information about great places to network in Greater Portland, Maine, please check out my "Networking" page!

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